Sunday, 9 March 2008

A few real gems...

Hi Fantasy Lovers,

Well its Sunday evening - I've had a really great weekend, nice and relaxing - not to mention some hot fucking to boot ;) - but now Monday is looming on the horizon and I need an Ultimate Man pick-me-up. So here's a fresh installment from the Fantasy Vaults, these are just a few of my real gems....

This is a truly gorgeous man, wonderful face and a delectable body - loving the sexy eyes, bit of stubble and nice juicy arm muscles.
I have no idea where this photo came from, and I have no idea who the owner of this cock is/what his face looks like...but who cares! I mean DAMN! The things I could do with that, yikes!!

I love this picture - its really graphic, but I think it has a certain beauty to it (call me a freak for thinking that if you like) - the cock is hot, the butt is just wonderful and the view of the action is amazing.

Another graphic one - and I'm not usually one for cum shots, but this is an excellent exception. The cock is nice a think (something I always appreciate) and the flying cum is just so sexy.

I'm speechless on this one. Astounding.

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